REIKI is defined as a technique commonly called palm or hands-on-healing as a form of body therapy. Through the use of Reiki, the Reiki practitioner transfer universal energy in the form of "ki" (meaning energy, in Japanese) through the palms of her hands, which is believed, allows for and aids self healing and a state of equilibrium and peace. Reiki is derived from two words: "Rei" refers to the mysterious energy or power that exists in the universe and "ki" (in Japanese), is a type of energy that creates the body and causes the state of health. When "ki" leaves the body, this is the end of the living organisms life. Reiki compliments Allopathic and Homeopathic medicine, as well as other alternative types of treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, hypnosis and Chinese medicine. A definite healing of the condition the person may be suffering from cannot be guaranteed, however it can assist to improve the condition if not eliminate the issue. It is a fundamental belief of the world that every living organism whether it is human, animal or plant, radiates energy which is a life force. The Reiki practitioner has been taught to transfer universal energy, and not use her own energy to heal another. The practitioner has been taught to protect her own energy field, which means the transfer of energy does not deplete her, prevents and protects the client from transferring any experiences which the practitioner may have as she may be dealing with difficulties in her life.
Reiki does not interfere with any religious or belief systems a person may have. Reiki is a healing technique which compliments all religions and belief systems as well as homeopathic and allopathic based medicine. It is established on Tibetan healing methods which allows a person to tap into this infinite and limitless source of energy to heal. Why Reiki? Why not Reiki? Of all the modalities of healing I have experienced, Reiki is the most gentle, non invasive and soothing. Like anything in this world, people have preferences and different tastes and prefer one type of healing to another. For example, some people like milk chocolate, others like white chocolate while others prefer dark chocolate. The same applies to different healing modalities. Healing has different names and ways of being applied, but the end result is the same – it assists the client to heal and increase their energy levels, feel calmer, sleep better and think clearly
IKARUNA................................................................................ Do not be angry |
I speak English, Brazilian Portuguese, Hebrew and understand Spanish. |